Thursday, May 5, 2011

a happy word from the creator

Photobooth mirrors its images.

Horror Movie Cover

I still need a title, as the text tells you, and probably a better font.

Kurt's Oats

If you look closely, you will see that this is a Quaker Oats imitation brand of Oat meal.  That's my face, and "Kurt's Oats" is seen underneath me and my Quaker attire.  I Lost the original graphic, so I only have this poor quality photo of it from a distance.

Feeling Angry

I get angry when people do not remove their clothes from the washing machine.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just another day in the life

I took a photo of a friend and I, and inserted ourselves in front of a spray painted wall.  Some of the paint was preexisting, but I added some if it.  If you look closely you can see my name "Kurt" on the wall, as well as my friend's last name.  I never used the paint tool in photoshop, but I used settings that made the paint blend with the other graffiti.  The photo that I used had my friend's foot cut off, so I inserted paint cans in place of where it would be.

random photo of myself

This isn't my body actually.  I found a photo of Fabio, and replaced his face with mine.  It took a while to resize my face so it fit his head.  I also adjusted the levels, so that my skin tone was similar to his.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Beaver Office

Beavers in an office.  These animals took a long time to cut out.  I think that the receptionist might be a gopher...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Andrew, black and white background

I went outside one day and saw my friend smoking outside his car.  I decided to take a photo, and then edited it later.  I cut him out, and added a black and white effect to the original image.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Testing Photoshop Express for Android (before and after)

I just got an android phone, and i installed a free photoshop app. This is pretty cool since i made all the adjustments on the phone. It isn't anywhere near capable of what the actual computer program is, but this is cool since you can make a number of handheld modifications to a photo.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Philadelphia Skyline Graphic

I designed this for my twitter page.  It was difficult to size the text and and resolution so it fit the website layout, but it all worked in the end.  This was my first time using the gradient tool in photoshop which created the black and white fade in the image.

View my Twitter page here -!/KurtHodgins

About this blog

I am currently majoring in film, and pursuing a degree minor in multimedia.  I am required to produce media on a weekly basis for the media industries class that I am enrolled in, so that is why the blog exists.  I enjoy designing graphics and photo editing on the side, so that is what I am going to post on a weekly basis.