Thursday, May 5, 2011

a happy word from the creator

Photobooth mirrors its images.

Horror Movie Cover

I still need a title, as the text tells you, and probably a better font.

Kurt's Oats

If you look closely, you will see that this is a Quaker Oats imitation brand of Oat meal.  That's my face, and "Kurt's Oats" is seen underneath me and my Quaker attire.  I Lost the original graphic, so I only have this poor quality photo of it from a distance.

Feeling Angry

I get angry when people do not remove their clothes from the washing machine.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fat Booth - Before and After

I used the Fat Booth app for Android on a friend of mine.

The Kurt Show

This is a graphic that I designed for my radio show that is no longer.  It might be back one day.

Lost Penguin

Get it?  If you laughed hard at this, there is something wrong with you.  I was new to photoshop when I made it.